Services and Prices

What's available?

Your fitness is about you

Training is personal to you and your goals. That's why the Consultation Hour is free; it helps make sure we're on the same page about what you want to achieve. Below is indicative of what I offer, but if you think your goals fall outside the standard packages we can adapt to what you need.

1-to-1 Personal Training

What to expect

To begin

A personalised consultation. An assessment of your targets, goal setting, resources and past experiences. An introduction to the tools available to you:


During a personal training session, you'll get a powerhouse of expertise at your fingertips. At your sessions, you will get:

Invest in yourself; invest in personalised training! It's the key to a fitter, stronger, and more confident you.

£130 per month for one session per week

Online and Hybrid Personal Training


Busy schedule? No gym membership? Don't sweat it! Online personal training offers the same expert guidance and customised workout plans, but on your time and at your own place. Reach your fitness goals with the flexibility and convenience of online training!

What to expect

To begin

A personalised consultation. An assessment of your targets, goal setting, resources and past experiences. An introduction to the tools available to you:


Review of your weekly food diary and exercise. Before our appointment, I will review your submitted reviews of the week. Precisely what these are will depend on your goals, but will often include a record of how often you trained, some footage of the training, a food record or diary, and a general assessment.

We can then discuss these to see that we are on the right track. We will discuss whether the workouts are motivating, too easy or too hard, and I will offer feedback on the footage submitted in terms of technique and intensity.


Progress review. This might be transformation pictures, a fitness test, a weigh in. What progress looks like will be defined by you. But, we will review it and then reassess our approach to build in that progress.

£100 per month

Hybrid online/in person

Want that extra push to reach your fitness goals? In-person training offers personalised guidance, real-time form correction, and the motivation of a trainer by your side.

What to expect

As well as all the above, this includes 1 in-person session per week. This is ideal if you live in Portsmouth and want that extra motivation and real-time feedback.

£230 per month

Strength program

The Strength program is a 16-week program based around the powerlifting movements: squat, bench and deadlift. It is a 3-day a week program and can either be bought alone or bought along side 4 1-hour online sessions to discuss the program, how you feel, have video technique reviews etc.

The program is also customisable, to a limited degree e.g. the movements can be changed to better suit an Olympic Weightlifter or CrossFit goal.

The 3-day a week program can be completed alongside other training goals. But, to get the most out of it, appropriate rest, recovery and nutrition should be sought.

Stand alone  - £90

The program, plus 4 online check-ins - £190

The check-ins must be used during the program. Any technique videos for review should be submitted at least the day before. The check-ins can also be used to review nutrition or feelings of fatigue.
Terms and conditions apply for all services. Sessions can be rearranged ahead of time to avoid other commitments. Some months will include 5 sessions, and these products are priced assuming some sessions will be missed due to other commitments throughout the year.Support offered outside booked sessions will be limited to the personal trainers working hours. You can send a message whenever, but replies will be according to availability.